
Allah’s (ﷻ) Message to Mankind

   Bismillahir Rehmanir Rahim

*Let's continue to know more about Islam and try to understand the Muslim Religion and Allah’s (ﷻ) Message to Mankind*


*The Universe:Signs that Indicate Allah's (ﷻ) Greatness*

_3- Scientific miracles in Quran and Sunnah:_


*The Ionosphere:*

*“By the sky (having rain clouds) which gives rain, again and again”* ```[Quran, 86:11]

We understand from this Ayah that water steam ascends up the sky and comes back as rain, then it was discovered that the electromagnet transmission in radio broadcasting bounces back when it is emitted in space, what does bring it back?
They found out that there is a layer responsible for returning back these waves to the ground without which we would have never had radio or visual transmission, this layer is called: the``` *Ionosphere*, ```so we add a new meaning to this ayah:```

*“By the sky (having rain clouds) which gives rain, again and again”* ```[Quran, 86:11]

Then it was discovered that every planet orbits in a closed orbit around another planet bringing it back to the relatively starting point, therefore, Allah the Almighty says:```

*“By the sky (having rain clouds) which gives rain, again and again”* ```[Quran, 86:11]

Greatness here is that this words' formation bears both meanings:
either it means the returning of water from steam to rain, or the returning of the electromagnet transmission to broadcasting, or the returning of a planet to its relatively starting point.```

*Scattering of light's phenomenon:*

```The thickness of the earth's atmosphere is 65 thousand kilometers in which there is a phenomenon called``` *“Scattering of Light”.*

```Basically the sun rays'
ascendancy on air's specks causes reflection of the light towards other specks and this is why you see a place with sun rays and another with sun light, so every place has sun light yet not all places have sun rays and this is what is called “scattering of light”.
When astronomers traveled in a space ship towards the outer space, one of them, after passing the 65 thousand kilometers of the atmosphere, and after they reached the outer space where the blackness was astonishing, cried: “we went blind, we can't see anything” and it happened that a Muslim astronomer was there in the station when he heard the astronomer crying: “we went blind”, now open the Quran and read this noble ayah:```

*“And even if We opened to them a gate from the heaven and they were to continue ascending thereto,,*
*They would surely say: "Our eyes have been (as if) dazzled. Nay, we are a people bewitched."* ```[Quran, 15:14-15]

This Ayah is considered a scientific miracle, and a breakthrough to one of the universal laws, which was mentioned in this Quran but discovered 1400 years later.
These are evidences that this Quran is Allah's words.

_*May Allah  ﷻ Bless us and guide us in all our affairs*_


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